Where is Thy face


Where is Thy face,
Where’s thy pavilion?
Here below
We are one to a million.
How did I miss that
To gain exaltation
One is awarded
A marred reputation?
Pick up your rock,
He will draw in the sand.
These are the things
You don’t understand.
Pick up your rock,
Sharp as your stares.
These are the wheat
And these are the tares...
Follow the Lord
To the top of Moriah.
Come as a friend
And return as pariah.
This is the art
We have learned to perfection
Donning acceptance
And branding rejection.
Cowardice shuns
All introspection.
Freedom of thought
Is worse than infection!
Take me away
To a place of Your brilliance!
You are the One
And we are the millions...
May be an image of 1 person


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