

This nightmare’s been a year long
Since Mistress Fear came along.
And meeting minimal resistance
She’s keeping loved ones at a distance.
And bowing down to a disease
The world is standing on its knees!!!!
Who sees the the writing on the wall
That Fear’s married to Control?!?!?
Both great and small, from saint to seer
Are prey to python gaze of Fear!!!
And in the name of being safe
We set aside both Love and Faith...
Have we forgotten that instead
Fear itself should be our dread?!!?
And by whose Holy Mighty Hand
Are held our lives, our fate and land?
With all this Fear I am through!!!!
I’ll ship her off to Timbuktu!!!
Shake off the shackles from within
And overnight them to Berlin.
I am finished with this needless fright!
Let’s put her on a one way flight
To Sakhalin or Swaziland,
Wherever Fear isn’t banned.
I say that Fear is overrated!!!
Perhaps she should be vaccinated
And in a triple layered mask
Deported to the land of Basque!
And to make sure it’s all over
Let’s toss her from the Cliffs of Dover
To die a quick dramatic death
And rid us of her grip and stealth.
Instead of later, maybe sooner
I’ll get into my Master’s schooner
And with my friend the ocean breeze,
We’ll worship Him upon our knees.


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