I choose HARD!


I choose real over fake
Give me growth, I want mistakes!!!
You can stay six feet apart.
You do easy...I choose HARD!!!
Some choose bondage to belong,
Silence over freedom song!
From the finish to the start
You do easy. I want HARD!!!
Go and do as you are told!
You choose timid, I DO BOLD!
You like cooked and I do RAW
You like perfect, I like FLAW.
I choose heartache over numb.
Better ALL than only some!
Burning hot than lukewarm.
You get still and I get storm!
I choose spicy over bland.
Sorry, darling, that’s my brand!
I say GO! when all say Stop.
That’s my cherry on the Top!!!
They say ignorance is bliss.
Darkness over light this is!!!!!
You’ve enough. And I want MORE!
Things you’ve never heard before...
Love and Light to fill my heart !!!
You do easy... I love HARD!


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