My friend, today you feel alone,
As you approach the Father’s throne.
If from the world you are evicted,
Remember, this has been predicted.
Take courage, oh my humble sire!
This is our baptism of fire…
Rejoice, oh dear vagabond!
Of every blessing Holy Font
Is ever closer to your side,
If you face ignorance and spite.
For any number that amounts
Is not of zeros but of ONES
Is formed in our Master’s hand,
Despite arithmetic of man.
It takes a ONE and not a cipher
To earn the title of “disciple”!
And if in agony you weep,
You’ve chosen Freedom over sleep!!!
May heavens say to you “Well done!”
For having faith to be a ONE!!!
Remember, you are not alone,
As you approach the Father’s throne …
And in the coming months and days,
May Zion spark set ONES ABLAZE!!!!


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