


Oh how I love to be “delusional”!
Throw out the normal and the usual.
And drowning into Noah’s shoes
I too, am waiting for deluge!
I can not help but be deceivable!
Such things are simply inconceivable.
Yet truth and lies go through a sieve
And somehow we are ALL “deceived”.
I do not mind being outnumbered.
My sense of math is unencumbered.
For on the Lord’s side now as then
There’s more with us than “be with them”.
I dare wish for the implausible!
With God they say it’s not impossible:
And setting differences aside
We can be ONE in heart and mind .
How can you box up the ‘unboxable’?
Unknow the truth that sets you free?
Who pauses things that are unpausable?
What you have seen how to unsee?
How will you stop me? Me - delusional?
Deceived, outnumbered, revolutional?!?!?!
The sky is low and stakes are huge,
And I am waiting for deluge...


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