
Showing posts from October, 2021


 ONES My friend, today you feel alone, As you approach the Father’s throne. If from the world you are evicted, Remember, this has been predicted. Take courage, oh my humble sire! This is our baptism of fire… Rejoice, oh dear vagabond! Of every blessing Holy Font Is ever closer to your side, If you face ignorance and spite. For any number that amounts Is not of zeros but of ONES Is formed in our Master’s hand, Despite arithmetic of man. It takes a ONE and not a cipher To earn the title of “disciple”! And if in agony you weep, You’ve chosen Freedom over sleep!!! May heavens say to you “Well done!” For having faith to be a ONE!!! Remember, you are not alone, As you approach the Father’s throne … And in the coming months and days, May Zion spark set ONES ABLAZE!!!!

No Man's Land

  I am stepping into ‘no man’s land’. No flowers and no wedding band. It’s different than we all had thought. The ways of man and ways of God... This land is perfectly unclaimed It is all mine, it isn’t named!!! There is more LOVE than I can hold!!!! Thank goodness this land isn’t sold!!!! My shoes are off and in the sand I thank my God for promised land. And as I LOVE with all my might My soul is like untethered kite!!! I am stepping into ‘no man’s land’, Unheld by any mortal hand. With no One single Man around I am stepping onto Holy Ground !!!! I’m hearkening the Savior’s voice With every breath and every choice . And I am growing in His POWER From day to day and hour to hour . My heart is bursting at the seams !!!! And nothing’s ever what it seems .... How will I cry when you come there To join me at the Sancta Terra!!!!

I choose HARD!

  I choose real over fake Give me growth, I want mistakes!!! You can stay six feet apart. You do easy...I choose HARD!!! Some choose bondage to belong, Silence over freedom song! From the finish to the start You do easy. I want HARD!!! Go and do as you are told! You choose timid, I DO BOLD! You like cooked and I do RAW You like perfect, I like FLAW. I choose heartache over numb. Better ALL than only some! Burning hot than lukewarm. You get still and I get storm! I choose spicy over bland. Sorry, darling, that’s my brand! I say GO! when all say Stop. That’s my cherry on the Top!!! They say ignorance is bliss. Darkness over light this is!!!!! You’ve enough. And I want MORE! Things you’ve never heard before... Love and Light to fill my heart !!! You do easy... I love HARD!

Кто ты ? Кто я?

  Кто ты ? Кто я? И где то место, Где ты - мой принц, а я принцесса? Что это? В море корабли? Иль просто новый поворот? Начало новое? Исход? Ты так не любишь середин. Во всём всегда номер один. И в Головин без разрешения Ты хочешь трюк и угощение! Я пронесу через года То храмовое «навсегда», Когда ты в белом на колене Стоял мене на удивленье... О где тот край и тот укров, Где нас с тобой помолвил Бог? Где собирая липы цвет, Весь мир сошёл для нас на нет! И поцелуем крася тишь, Ты называл меня «малыш». Дай руку мне и вся твоя Я буду ждать начала дня. А если станет слишком зыбко, Лишь обернись в мою улыбку!!! Вот ты. Вот я . И это - место, Где ты - мой принц, а я принцесса.

Swordlike words

  Within my heart, there is a fire A forging place for swordlike words Where Truth is welded with Desire And all the dross is left unturned... How easy "to return with honor" And recognition to embrace. Than brave humiliation corner For Salem trial to take place. I won’t recoil, I am not sorry. I won’t put on the robe of shame. This is my Father’s work and glory He doesn’t change, He is the same. I’ve come to love you, though unwanted, To speak the words that pierce through, That few can take and be undaunted, Remember what they all once knew. A memory with no reflection, I am losing everyone’s affection. But like Edith Piaf times ten I sing “Je ne regrette rien!” Within my heart there is a fire A forging place for swordlike words I haven’t come to be admired , But bring the Truth that heals and burns!!!


  This nightmare’s been a year long Since Mistress Fear came along. And meeting minimal resistance She’s keeping loved ones at a distance. And bowing down to a disease The world is standing on its knees!!!! Who sees the the writing on the wall That Fear’s married to Control?!?!? Both great and small, from saint to seer Are prey to python gaze of Fear!!! And in the name of being safe We set aside both Love and Faith... Have we forgotten that instead Fear itself should be our dread?!!? And by whose Holy Mighty Hand Are held our lives, our fate and land? With all this Fear I am through!!!! I’ll ship her off to Timbuktu!!! Shake off the shackles from within And overnight them to Berlin. I am finished with this needless fright! Let’s put her on a one way flight To Sakhalin or Swaziland, Wherever Fear isn’t banned. I say that Fear is overrated!!! Perhaps she should be vaccinated And in a triple layered mask Deported to the land of Basque! And to make sure it’s all over Let’s toss her from


  They say that some of us are broken  And truer words have not been spoken.  But in my book that is a win With broken things, I fit right in.   I gather up a breaking dawn,  A broken heart to go along. A broken Law, A broken spell.  I am breaking out of every shell!!!   Where are the punishment and crime? Another broken paradigm... And when they say how I am wrong  I want to Break into a song!!!   They say that some of us are broken  And truer words have not been spoken  But somehow, I will keep my Poise My silence will break up the noise. And while they’re tracking all my lack  I’ll spread the Wings behind my back!!!      And if you're certain and insist  That I am the one that’s to be FIXED You'll have to steal Isaiah's thunder And Break me ALL the way asunder!     The day is over, meal is spread, But all I want is broken Bread.  By Him my name won’t be misspelled And I can be both Seen and Held. 


  Deluge-ional Oh how I love to be “delusional”! Throw out the normal and the usual. And drowning into Noah’s shoes I too, am waiting for deluge! I can not help but be deceivable! Such things are simply inconceivable. Yet truth and lies go through a sieve And somehow we are ALL “deceived”. I do not mind being outnumbered. My sense of math is unencumbered. For on the Lord’s side now as then There’s more with us than “be with them”. I dare wish for the implausible! With God they say it’s not impossible: And setting differences aside We can be ONE in heart and mind . How can you box up the ‘unboxable’? Unknow the truth that sets you free? Who pauses things that are unpausable? What you have seen how to unsee? How will you stop me? Me - delusional? Deceived, outnumbered, revolutional?!?!?! The sky is low and stakes are huge, And I am waiting for deluge...

Idahoan Bliss

The things you need are never big: A stream , a rock,a bridge, a stick. The Willow like an older sister Is telling stories in a whisper. Unnoticed joy can slowly slither Between the grass into the river. And once again I can’t resist This simple Idohoan bliss…

The Impending Fall

  From mountain top to river bottom I feel on me the breath of autumn. And with the summer days' withdrawal I am watching the impending Fall. Oh fair ones, How have we fallen!!!! My people I cannot but weep. The gate is broken in this vineyard. The watchmen have been sound asleep. We’ve turned administrative letter Into the letter of the law: “Follow the prophet, He knows better! He is a man without a flaw!” They said that all is well in Zion That there’s no reason for alarm. And on the arm of flesh relying They break the oath to do no harm. And Agency clamped with a mask Is urged by Fear to be vaxed. As if escaping Taliban We too are falling one by one!!!! And seeing the abandoned sheep My people I cannot but weep… I feel on me the breath of autumn. And with the summer days' withdrawal I am watching the impending Fall.


  Sovereignty Today, tomorrow, tell me, when Shall we philosophies of men From Truth begin to separate? Is now too soon? Is now too late? Yes, meeting people where they are Is loneliest of all by far. Thank goodness I don’t need permission My love extend without condition... But it is maddening how quick Imposter,saint or heretic We rush the labels to attach Like in a game of “make a match”!!! I am not here to convince Nor needlessly my words to mince… In nothing but the robe of Grace I stare the future in the face!!! When in His hands I cannot flinch, As it’s advancing inch by inch… And Sovereignty my only gem I wear like a diadem.

А ты спроси у ясеня

  А ты спроси у ясеня, Где есть твоя любимая. Была тебе любимая, А стала нежена… Трепещет осень рощами . А вместе было б проще ли? Летучих птиц не держат в клетке, И рыбы без воды так редки. Нам сожаления не нужны, Но если нет у вас жены, то вам её не потерять Того, что нет, нельзя отнять. Но, говорят,неплохо очень Иметь хотя бы две жены. И брак надёжен и устойчив, С одной хотя бы стороны. Судьбу ничем не удивишь Не так ли, бывший мой малыш? Трещит под весом шестерёнка Раздробленная врознь «шесть я» Какая тут слеза ребёнка ?!?! Как терпит нас ещё земля… А ты спроси у ясеня Ведь ясен не подвластен мне Нужна ли нелюбимая И бывшая жена?